Save to Pocket, right from Slack 🙌

Announcing a new Pocket integration for Slack

We are thrilled to announce a new integration for Slack. If you already use Slack, you know that it’s the collaboration hub for the modern workplace.

Now with the new Pocket integration for Slack, you can capture and save all of the interesting articles, links, and videos your teammates share in Slack throughout the day—right to Pocket. When you’re ready to spend time with the content and unlock all of the great ideas, it’s there for you in Pocket on your phone, tablet, or computer.

Here's how to use the new Pocket integration for Slack

To get started, ask your Slack administrator at your workplace to add Pocket to Slack. Once Pocket has been added, connecting your Pocket account is simple. Here’s how:

  • To save a link that a teammate has shared, hover over the message and click the ••• More actions icon. Then select Save to Pocket.
  • If it’s your first time saving, Pocket will send you a message offering to Connect Pocket to Slack.
  • Sign in to Pocket, and connect your account. Now you’ll be able to save any link that’s been posted in Slack. (This action only works on external links, not on Slack messages.)

Have any questions about this exciting new integration? Learn more about saving to Pocket in Slack ›