3 articles to help you rediscover the joy of reading
At Pocket, we want to help you feel rested and ready for the week which is why we’re starting a new series: The Sunday Reading Ritual. We’ll bring you vibrant, interesting, and illuminating reads. The world is moving faster than ever before and with Pocket you can catch-up and read, distraction free. Each week, we’ll share some of our favorites, trends from the internet, and articles that you may not have otherwise seen or discovered on popular topics.
Up this week: let’s rediscover the joy of reading and begin a ritual—together.
Who else loves the feeling of finishing a book? Or reading a long article from start to finish? Closing the last page, getting to the end and reeling in a sense of accomplishment.
Let’s face it, the way we read has changed. We spend more time with content being thrown at us from all angles and the constant stimulus can feel overwhelming. Unplugging from the noise, slowing down and feeding your mind is a form of self-care, one we at Pocket fully support.
In curating Pocket Hits every day, we come across a lot of fascinating pieces. Here are three articles to help you refocus your attention and rediscover the joy and benefits of deep reading.
1. How reading rewires your brain for more intelligence and empathy – Derek Beres
“Hard glutes are one thing. Novel reading is a great way to practice being human.” We’re all pretty conscious of the benefits from physical exercise. But have we explored how reading exercises the brain? Next time you’re on the elliptical, try opening that book you’ve been meaning to read.
2. Why We Forget Most of the Books We Read – Julie Beck
If you thought you were the only one who can’t remember the entire plot after reading A Game of Thrones, you’re not alone. “Sana says that often when we read, there’s a false ‘feeling of fluency.’” Now is as good a time as any for you to learn how to make your literary adventures stick. So the next time you binge watch Season 1, you’ll be able to catch the changes from the book to the television series.
3. How My Smartphone Revived the Purity of Reading – Jason Parham
For our book-bound, novel-reading purists, this one’s for you. Try something new and see how you can enjoy mobile reading when you forget your book on the coffee table.
Now that you’re ready to dive into reading, tweet us @Pocket and tell us what topics you’d like for us to cover in the Sunday Reading Ritual.
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