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Anti-Racist Resources and Reading Lists

Dismantling systemic racism requires being actively anti-racist beyond the latest news cycle.

Pocket Collections

Read when you’ve got time to spare.

A curated collection of anti-racist reading lists and resource guides—with links to articles, books, films, and more—to better understand systemic racism and ways to confront and dismantle it.

21-Day Racial Equity Habit Building Challenge

Dr. Eddie MooreJr.

For 21 days, do one action to further your understanding of power, privilege, supremacy, oppression, and equity. This plan includes suggestions for readings, podcasts, videos, observations, and ways to form and deepen community connections.

An Antiracist Poetry Reading List

Curated by Maya Popa
Publishers Weekly

These recent poetry collections offer poignant narratives and snapshots of racial injustice in America, from lasting testaments of systemic violence to a public appeal for the vital work that remains to be done as the country confront its legacy of racism and exploitation.

Institutionalized Racism: A Syllabus


The United States has seen escalating protests over the past week, following the death of George Floyd while in custody of the Minneapolis police. Educators everywhere are asking how can we help students understand that this was not an isolated, tragic incident perpetrated by a few bad individuals, but part of a broader pattern of institutionalized racism.