Updates to Google Reader Support and Bookmarklet
I was not planning on updating the bookmarklet with this new behavior until the new versions of Read It Later came out, but because of yesterday’s new Google Reader feature, it made sense to push it out.
When you save pages using the Read It Later bookmarklet, you’ll now see an ‘edit’ link after saving the page. This will display a window that will let you modify the newly saved item’s title, url, and add tags.
For user’s using the custom send-to link in Google Reader, you’ll want to update the url you are using so that it displays this page instead of the bare API response. See this updated post for more details.
I will also be adding this functionality to the Tap to Save bookmarklet soon.
Test it out and let me know what you think!
Note: I’m playing around trying to make the custom link in Google Reader open on an in-page popup similar to that of the Read It Later bookmarklet, but it doesn’t seem to accept javascript. If anyone knows of a work around, let me know.