Dive into stories faster than ever

We just released three new tricks that’ll help you get even more out of Pocket. Update your app to get access.

Jump into your tags
Do you use tags to organize your items? Now, tapping a tag in your list will quickly sort your stories and show you everything you’ve labeled with that tag.

Pick up where you left off
Ever get interrupted while you’re reading in Pocket? You can now tap “continue reading” to pop back into the last story you had open, right where you stopped.

See which stories are trending
Some stories really take off. We show you right in your list if any of your saves are trending or part of the best of Pocket—you can now tap those tags to see all of your popular saves.
Grab hold of everything you’ve saved
Ever click on an article in your Pocket only to see a broken link? Get a permanent copy of every article you’ve ever saved when you sign up for Pocket Premium.
Bonus: It’s cheaper than a cup of coffee.