Donated. (日本の被災者の皆様へ)
Very recently I experimented with Read It Later’s price and dropped the app to 99 cents. Amazingly, as a result, Read It Later jumped up to the number 1 spot in Japan overall on both iPhone and iPad for a day. It was Read It Later’s best day ever.
Yesterday was one of Japan’s worst days ever.
I’m so thankful for the support RIL has had from Japan (our userbase is as big there as it is in the USA). Today, I’ve taken 100% of proceeds from RIL’s best day ever and donated it to the Red Cross to help in relief efforts for those effected by the earthquake in Japan.
You can help on your own by texting REDCROSS to 90999 to donate $10 instantly. Developing Read It Later and seeing it used all over the globe has shown me how small and interconnected this world is. We are all in this together.
先日,Read It LaterのiPhoneアプリを特別セールの一環として最低価格に引き下げたところ,日本のiPhone,iPadアップストア両ランキングで一位を獲得させていただきしました.私にとってRead It Later最高の日でした.
アメリカ在住であればSMSで90999番にメッセージすることで簡単に$10寄付できます.Read It Laterの開発を通じて,地球がいかに小さく,世界がどれだけ密接につながっているかを実感させられます.決して他人ごとではありません.被災者の皆様には心よりお悔やみ申し上げます。